Can CBD Oil Solve Your Insomnia?

We all have experienced a sleepless night at least once in our lives. At times, it seems too hard to fall asleep and when we do manage to finally doze off, the alarm clock sounds and we feel even worse than before going to bed. If you can relate, you can benefit from CBD oil which is known for its sleep-inducing properties.

What Exactly Is CBD Oil?

Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD oil, is a natural compound extracted from marijuana and hemp plants. It doesn’t have any psychoactive effects which means that it won’t make you high as regular marijuana does. But this doesn’t mean that CBD oil isn’t potent. In fact, according to recent research, CBD oil acts on cannabinoid receptors located in the brain and makes a person relax and become less anxious. According to, CBD oil helps people sleep better and longer which can be extremely helpful for those who suffer from insomnia.

And unlike most over-the-counter sleep aids, CBD oil doesn’t have side effects such as grogginess or morning drowsiness. It doesn’t also cause dependency which means that you can use it whenever you need to relax or sleep better without needing to worry about getting addicted.

Is CBD Oil Safe?

CBD oil is completely safe since it is made from natural compounds found in marijuana and hemp plants, but keep in mind that too much of everything isn’t good for you. In short, don’t take CBD oil every day as it can make you dependent and reduce its effectiveness especially if you use it frequently.

How to Use CBD Oil for Insomnia

If you want to try using CBD oil to solve your sleeping problem, consult your doctor first before trying anything. There are a lot of factors to consider which include other existing medical conditions, medications you are taking, and your overall health. Your physician will be able to tell you the right dosage for CBD oil based on these factors. Also, don’t forget that CBD oil should always be taken orally via dropper or spray twice daily, 30 minutes before food.

Mistakes to Avoid When Using CBD Oil for Insomnia

Using CBD oil for sleeping is actually very safe, but there are certain mistakes you should avoid to ensure its maximum effectiveness. Here are the most common mistakes people make when using CBD oil:

CBD Oil Withdrawal If You Use It Frequently

As mentioned earlier, don’t use CBD oil every day since it can trigger dependency which means that you won’t be able to sleep well without taking CBD oil. Plus, if this practice continues, the effectiveness of CBD oil will decrease over time so it’ll become less effective.

Using It with Alcohol or Drugs

Using CBD oil with alcohol or other drugs can have unpredictable effects on your body. You don’t know what might happen if you use them together so make sure to avoid this combination.

Not Sticking to the Recommended Dosage

As indicated earlier, using CBD oil on a daily basis can make it less effective and trigger dependency. So stick to the recommended dosage until your sleeping problem is resolved. And even after that, taking CBD oil every now and then is fine but not more often.

And if you are wondering how long it takes for CBD oil to work, take note that the time varies from person to person. Some people experience its effects fast enough within minutes or hours while others need a little longer up to three weeks which is completely normal. And if your sleeping problem doesn’t go away after a few days of using CBD oil, you may need to increase your dosage or consult your doctor for other solutions.


As you can see, CBD oil is very effective in helping people sleep better and solve their sleeping problems such as insomnia. But as with any other product, make sure that the CBD oil is pure and THC-free which you can only ensure if you make it yourself at home.
